A Team Florida Broward County Keller Williams Realtors. Are you a SELLER? What you need to do to get top dollar for your property:

1. Numbers: PRICE to value; Price too high = no sale; price right = quick sale; price low = quick sale over list price.

2. Appeal: STAGE smart; play to all the buyer’s senses. We also do virtual staging.

3. Strategy: Market to the right audience; ads and pictures don’t sell homes, realtors do. We have a database of 130+ buyer agents who look for our listings because they know we get them to the closing table.

4. Psychology: Personal SHOWINGS by a professional agent is the fasted path to a quick sale at the highest price.

5. Business: Wise negotiating creates a win-win situation.

Ask A Team Florida why WE PAY for a professional home appraisal before we list your home.  For condo owners, we go above and beyond to help you prepare your condo to sell for the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time.

Are you a BUYER?

The best investment you can make for your future:

1. Meet with your bank or mortgage broker to find out how much you can afford.

2. Do your homework; online is a great way to research home prices and neighborhoods.  Know what you want and where you want to live before that all important personal consultation with your Realtor.

3. Choose a professional realtor whom you trust so that one of the most important decisions you can make for you and your family is the right one.

Ask A Team Florida for our Buyer Checklist.  From Consult to Close, you will know what to expect each step of the way.  We also have strategies to get YOUR offer accepted over others.

Are you a RENTER? Rent wisely now so that you can BUY later:

1. Be sure you MUST rent; only rent if you CANNOT buy anything right now either due to your credit score or while you are saving for a down payment.

2. If you can buy something smaller than you would like, DO IT.  In a few years you will build up enough equity to buy what you really want.

3. If you must rent, call us.  We will help you find the perfect place to rent and give you strategies to achieve your ultimate goal of buying.

Ask A Team Florida how we help renters get on the fast track to stop paying their landlord’s mortgage.



3850 Washington, Suite #1016, Hollywood Florida 33021

Email: info@ateamflorida.com

Phone: 954-964-2559